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There are multiple opportunities for cost reduction when using Bi-Polar Ionisation solutions for air purification:
There are multiple opportunities for cost reduction when using Bi-Polar Ionisation solutions for air purification:
Capital Cost Reduction - for new projects
Reduced operational expenses: Maintenance, components, component life etc
Reduced energy costs via airside efficiencies
Airside efficiency is typically the largest untapped opportunity for building owners. AtmosAir is an ASHRAE 62.1 Compliant IAQ Technology.
Capex Benefits:
We typically experience a 15% reduction in equipment costs for new air purification installations. Collateral cost savings in installation, piping, electrical and ductwork expense are also possible. There is also potential for a 20-30% reduction in HVAC tonnage/plant sizes since there is significantly reduced requirement for outside air.
Operational Expense
20-40% reduction in HVAC energy expenditures
4-8% Reduction on ENTIRE utility bill.
Extend the life of HVAC filters
Extend the life of HVAC equipment
Reduced Energy Costs
Bi-Polar Ionization can reduce outside air requirements by up to 50% within ASHRAE 62.1/IMC code. It takes up little space within a duct or air handling unit. AtmosAir HVAC air purification systems makes managing Indoor Air Quality less expensive. As a result, users spend less on heating and cooling ventilated air and recycle conditioned, purified air instead. The system experiences little to no pressure drop and requires negligible power to operate.
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